I had a great birthday. Me and Leeann had a little party together with my family since her birthday is 2 days before mine. Chris made me a Rainbow Bright cake...
Here's Leeann's Peach cake! We both turned 2 this year!
Pretty awesome huh? He said it's only the 2nd cake he's ever made. He also got me the great new staind album (he gave it to me on Wednesday!) and then also bought me another Nicholas Sparks book (one of my FAVORITE authors.) I can't wait to read it. I'll probably save it and read it when I'm in the hospital. My dad got me a great sewing kit box thing... it holds all your thread, pins, measuring tape, thimbles, bobbins... if it has to do with sewing, this box will hold it. It was the perfect gift since my new sewing obsession.
This weekend has been... well... alright I suppose. Yesterday and today have been a little rough. Yesterday afternoon my BHC turned very regular and for 3 hours straight they were every 3-5 minutes, with some of them being very painful. So we called the doc and went in to Labor and Delivery out at baptist. The contractions were very regular, and pretty close together, some only a minute apart! But they said they weren't "painful" enough yet. They wanted me to come back in when they "curled my toes" and my "eyes teared up." But that's not quite what my OB had told me... She had said she didn't want me going into active labor for real long... since they need to do a c-section. So I was a little confused. They gave me an Ambien and sent me home so I could get some sleep... But it made me hallucinate on the way home! And I only slept for 3 hours! I was up from 1 til 4 this morning... with nothing to do... and regular "not quite painful enough" contractions. So I played guitar hero. Then I came back to bed. I asked chris to get up this morning with taylor (I usually try to get her on the weekends, since those are the only days he gets to sleep in.) So i did sleep in til 8... but it was not real sleep... more like tossing and turning the whole time with my eyes closed.
Today has been both productive and very unproductive... I cleaned out our closet, got maddie's clothes put away, re-organized the baby stuff, went through taylor's clothes, went through my clothes, cleaned our room, picked up my craft desk stuff... So in that sense, I got a lot done. Still having contractions all the time though, with no increase in intensity :( I'm getting kinda frustrated. Every 5 minutes is just annoying at this point. And I've been sick to my stomach and had a headache... I"m just blah. Maybe in the next few days or so this will increase and I'll have some news to post. Til then... It's just a waiting game. And I'm definately losing!