Day one of my spring cleaning,
I did the girls bathroom, and the linen closet last night to start out. Mainly because they were small rooms with not alot of stuff in them. The girls bathroom was crazy easy. I threw away some of their bath toys that were just nasty, and found some stuff to sell. I also went through their medicine cabinet and cleaned it out.
I decided to put a small bag together of emergency stuff for the diaper bag. It's an old make up bag that I don't use anymore. I put baby shampoo and lotions in it, toothpaste, toothbrushes, medicines, hair stuff for the girls, nail clippers, a small first aid kit, and other stuff like safety pins, change and a pen and pencil and scrap paper. Now it's in this small bag and I can move this bag very easily to whatever diaper bag we're using. LOVE IT. (Thanks Devrie for the Idea. You're super woman!)
For the Linen closet, I took everything out and redid it. I read somewhere to put sheet sets inside the pillow case to keep them seperated and in easy reach. This worked out awesome. I love it.
After this, I was on a roll and went and decluttered my book shelf. I found a ton of books I"ll never read again and I've decided to put them up on Paper Back Swap. If you've never checked out this website, you should. I've gotten TONS of books from here, and shipped a bunch too.
The website is
Today, I decluttered the girls room. I went through their clothes this morning and sorted out ones to get rid of. I packed them up and took them to a local consignment store and made $15. The rest will go either to good will or someone who needs them (anyone need 0-12 mo girl clothes?)
I also went through my boxes of the girls keepsakes. I had like 6 and I've taken it down to 4. Two for each girl. And there's plenty of room to grow in those boxes.
I feel like I'm on a roll. There are pictures, some before and after. I'll add them on later cause at the moment we don't have internet. So, i'm mooching at families.
I'm so excited to get this done, and it's a huge plus to make some money at it also. It paid for our dinner tonight (picnic at the park for FHE!) It's already improving our lives and home!