Day 6
I'm grateful for the ability and the freedom to vote. No the election didn't turn out like I hoped. But I am grateful that I have the chance to vote.
Day 7
I'm grateful that I have a beautiful home for my family to live and grow up in. After 9 moves in less than 8 years, It was about time! And me and Chris have talked about living in this neighborhood since we got married, now we actually live here! I love it.
Day 8
I'm grateful that we have two running vehicles. For the past month, we've been stuck to just one vehicle because my van overheated. We fixed the part of the radiator that was broken, but the van still was acting up. Turns out it was the battery all along. It was a three year battery and had been installed 4 years ago! From what we can tell the radiator fans didn't turn on when they were supposed to due to the battery being old and low on juice. that's why it overheated and a little plastic part had broken during that. Anyways, it's back up and running now and I'm so grateful that we have it. I'm also grateful to have such a handy husband who can fix things on our vehicles himself instead of paying an arm and a leg to have someone else do it.
Day 9
I'm grateful for the time we've had with our girls. With a new baby on the way and so much unknown, I'm just very grateful we've had these years with just us and the girls, to be able to spoil them, to get to know them, to take the time and really learn who they are and what their talents and strengths are.
Day 10
I'm grateful that we now have cable TV. We just got it maybe a month ago and I LOVE that there are other shows on during the day for me to watch other than soaps and silly talk shows. It's been so nice to be able to watch TLC or Discovery and such when I haven't felt very well during the day. Chris is also thrilled that he can watch all the football he wants now!
Day 11
I'm grateful for the choices I've made in my life. There have been plenty that weren't the best choice for me, but I've also made some pretty dang good ones. Asking that cute boy to dance at that single's dance was one of the best ones I've ever made. At that time, I never would have thought that he would one day be mine for eternity, or that we'd have some of the cutest little girls in the whole wide world together. I'm pretty proud of some of those choices.
I so love reading your 'gratefuls'. Makes me happy to picture you and Chris together with your girls -- (already love him, and love you too because you love him so much!) -- well said!