We have decided that our family is complete with little Lottie. There are so many factors that confirmed this for us. We kinda knew before we were even pregnant that "Lottie" would be our baby. We just had a feeling that our last would be a little girl. And we're both very grateful to know that we're done having kids after this.
We've scheduled Lottie's c-section already, so as long as I don't go into labor on my own before, we will get to meet our little girl on May 28th. It's less than 5 weeks away now. I had a bit of an "oh crap" moment yesterday. I've been keeping track and counting down, but the numbers haven't meant much, because they seemed so big and the idea of her coming seemed so far away. But it's getting so close! Luckily, the baby room is mostly put together and we have a majority of what we'll need for her. So at this point, it's mostly just a waiting game.
The girls are so excited to meet their little sister and they LOVE all the little baby clothes and gifts we've gotten for her. There has been no jealousy at all so far, they're just full of anticipation, waiting to help out.
They're also getting ready for school to end. I think they're both ready for a good long summer break. And so far there will be plenty for them to do, including Mamie Camp at my mama's house, and a trip to Chattanooga to stay with their aunt and uncle for a few days! I'm so grateful that they'll have some things to do this summer, especially while I try to recoup after surgery, and learn how to handle a newborn again.
Also in the next month is Taylor's 6th birthday and mine and Chris's 9 year wedding anniversary. I can't believe either one of those numbers. How did my baby turn 6? And Have I really been married for almost a decade?
I'm kinda grateful for all the busy-ness. Hopefully they will help the next 5 weeks go by quickly. I really can't wait to meet our little Lottie (and to not be pregnant anymore.) Maybe she'll make her debut a week or two early! I know i wouldn't complain if she did!
I'm kinda grateful for all the busy-ness. Hopefully they will help the next 5 weeks go by quickly. I really can't wait to meet our little Lottie (and to not be pregnant anymore.) Maybe she'll make her debut a week or two early! I know i wouldn't complain if she did!
Hooray for a new baby - and I loved reading about the fun family stuff that's coming up for your older girls. They will love it!