I have been casually reading the 7 habits of highly effective families and I LOVE IT. As much as I love it, i've been very lackidazical (is that a word and did i spell it right?) in putting what I've read into practice. But me and Chris finally took our first step towards "Highly Effective" tonight when we made (drum roll please!) our family mission statement.
I'd been talking about it for months... literally. But we'd never taken the time to actually do it. So earlier today, as my sick behind was laying in bed, I started writing down words or small phrases that I thought were important. Some examples are: compassion, charity, respect, responsibility, knowledge, choice and accountability, good works, and integrity... I kept getting flash backs of primary and young womens in my head. Anyways, about 50 words later, chris came up and I asked him if he'd like to go on and write out our statement. He said sure, so he sat down and started writing too.
We found some examples too from the book and online and in scriptures (D&C 88:119 is my fav) and here is what we came up with!
Our family is one of gratitude and compassion, integrity and respect.
Our family is hard working and hard playing.
We find the joy and humor in life.
There are no wasted moments.
Our family will keep the promises we make, always be on time, and always say "I'm sorry" and "I love you."
As we study the scriptures and pray together as a family, we learn how to be more like Christ and always remember him.
We will honor our name and always remember where we come from, our earthly and heavenly parents.
We will never settle for less than our dreams.
Our home is a place where all who enter will be provided for physically, spiritually, and emotionally.
Our home is one of order, study and learning, prayer, faith - a home that welcomes the spirit.
We love each other unconditionally
... To infinity and beyond!
That last part is my favorite. It's turned into a little inside joke between me and chris and i think it's the perfect ending to our mission statement.
I think this mission statement will come in handy as we plan our family goals over the next few years (especially with all the changes in store.) Another extremely important part of this statement is that it's not set in stone. At any time we can change it, take away, or add to it as we see fit. And when the girls are old enough to understand it, and give their own ideas of what our family is about, we'll add their input as well. I can't wait til they can tell us what they think our family should be!
Next chapter... First things first! Now we'll see how long it takes me to prioritize!
Great idea.