Tuesday, January 13, 2009

A day of rest, a day of the usual, a day of sick

Sunday is a day of rest. A day to relax, spend time with your family, and go to church. We did the first two this past Sunday. We just weren't feeling real well, and decided to skip actually going to church. Awful I know. Moving on...

I had this huge list of things I needed to do and could actually work without being interrupted since Chris was home and could help with the girls. I needed to clean our room, clean the bathroom, do laundry (honestly like 3 hampers overflowing!), crochet 50+ hats (not all in one day)... lots to do. So what do you think I did?

I slept. Almost all day long. I woke up at like 4:30 PM and thought, oh no! I've slept the entire day away. What a waste! I'm a lazy bum! It almost made me sick to think of all that needed to be done that I didn't do. I felt bad guilty. Then I started really thinking about it.

Sunday is a day of rest right? I haven't slept through the night since SEPT 16... and actually, it's been before that, cause I was tossing and turning all big and pregnant. I needed that sleep. I had been crazy cranky with both the girls and chris. I just felt off that day, and the nap helped. Some. It was a warning of what was to come this week.

I did get some laundry done that evening though. I washed our bathroom rugs. I have this weird fetish thing about bathroom rugs. I LOVE the way clean rugs look and feel. It's AMAZING. Even better if they're right out of the dryer! I lay them out nice and flat and sometimes I'll just stand on them. Sometimes I won't. Sometimes I'll walk on the edges of the floor so I'll avoid putting that first foot print into the freshly cleaned rugs. It's like that when I vaccum the floor too. I hate putting those foot prints on the nice lines/patterns that are created by the vaccum. I'm only slightly obessive compulsive. Just a bit.

Anywho - Monday, I got alot done. Well, I felt like it. I got some hats made, played a bit with the girls. Finished up the laundry. I didn't however get chris's tags for his truck. They expired in Dec. With the hustle and bustle of the holidays, we forgot/put it off. Chris keeps mentioning it to me at odd times, so I never remember during the day that it's on my to do list. Besides, he told me he was taking a certain check to a certain bank to cash it, so we'd have some cash to get go through Marta and get the tags. :) He didn't have time though. Maddie did get a shot (had to borrow the parents car!) so she was a bit off. I gave her some Tylenol to help her out. She seemed to do fine.

Last night, was like most every night. Nothing fancy happened. I've felt just a tad bit off, but I figured it was my crazy naps on Sunday (I was awake for barely 12 hours on Sunday.) Then this morning came. I felt like I was beaten last night in my sleep. My chest is KILLING ME. It hurts to BREATHE. I'm coughing, feeling dizzy, feeling nauseous, having chills, have a fever... It feels like there is a ton of sand in my chest. I hate being sick. I hate that I can't be up doing what needs to be done, playing with the girls, taking care of them. Luckily, my mom is here to save the day.

She took over the girls and let me sleep (though the nap made me feel even worse.) She even folded laundry for me that's been sitting out since sunday and yesterday. Kyle pitched in too, watching taylor when he got home from school and holding maddie while my mom cooked dinner. I did go out and get chris's tags today, though I felt like I could barely get out of bed. It wasn't that bad though... we have a drive thru county clerk's office here in sumner! So I drove through the bank, then marta, then off to get the tags. never had to get out of the truck! Now I get my car back. Chris was great when he got home from work. He bought me some meds, and a dr. pepper. Also bought a 12 pack of mountain dew, which I drank one of also. I think a combination of all the meds and caffeine have got me feeling a little better. I'm sure once the caffeine wears off I'll be back to feeling poopie. If I'm not better tomorrow, I'll probably go to the doc. I can't be sick right now. Sick=Unproductive. I need productive.

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